Chris Bail
Duke University

What Is an Application Programming Interface?

What Is an Application Programming Interface?

Growth of APIS

More than >22,000 APIs!

How Does an API Work?


Google Maps API Example

Anatomy of an API Call

Output of API call:

Designing your Own API Calls

Designing your Own API Calls


API Credentials

Example: Facebook API

Example: Facebook API

Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

An Example with Twitter's API


Get Started

Create App

App Dashboard


Callback URL

The Waiting Is the Hardest Part...

Your Developer Console

Keys and Access Tokens

The rtweet Package


Developed by the heroic Michael Kerney


Define Your Credentials

# load rtweet


# create credentials as objects (these are FAKE CREDENTIALS)
# you need to replace them with your own.

api_key <- "aafghaioeriokjasfkljhsa"
api_secret_key <- "234897234kasdflkjashk"

# replace "my_awesome_app" with the name of YOUR app below

token <- create_token(
  app = "my_awesome_app",
  consumer_key = api_key,
  consumer_secret = api_secret_key)

# after you run the code above, a browser window will open asking you to authorize the app. 
# Once you do, you can begin making calls

Your First API Call


covid_19_tweets<-search_tweets("coronavirus", n=4000)

Browse the Results



Browse the Results



Browse the Results

Plot Results by Time

ts_plot(covid_19_tweets, "secs") +
  ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold")) +
    x = NULL, y = NULL,
    title = "Frequency of Tweets about Covid-19 Around 1pm, May 3, 2020",
    subtitle = "Tweet counts aggregated by second",
    caption = "\nSource: Data collected from Twitter's REST API via rtweet"

Plot Results by Time

Next, Let's Search by Location


covid_geo_tweets <- search_tweets("coronavirus",
  "lang:en", geocode = lookup_coords("usa"), 
  n = 3000, type="recent", include_rts=FALSE
geocoded <- lat_lng(covid_geo_tweets)



par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
maps::map("world", lwd = .25)
with(geocoded, points(lng, lat, pch = 20, cex = .50, col = rgb(0, .3, .7, .75)))



Get Tweets from Individual Account


trump_tweets <- get_timelines(c("realDonaldTrump
"), n = 5)

Five Trump Tweets


Get General Information About a User


obama_twitter_profile <- lookup_users("BarackObama")

Browse Fields



Browse Fields



Browse Fields



Get Users' Favorites


obama_favorites<-get_favorites("BarackObama", n=5)

Get Networks



Check Rate Limits



Check Rate Limits


Get Trending Topics by Location


get_trends("New York")

rtweet can even post tweets!


post_tweet("This Lecture is SICSS-xy")


Note: this is a very useful function if you are building a bot

Wrapping API Calls within a Loop

There Are R Packages for Other APIs


Here are a few: RgoogleMaps, googlelanguageR,rOpenSci,WDI,rOpenGov,rtimes

Many more are available but not yet on CRAN (install from github or using devtools)

A SICSS-sourced list of APIs for CSS

APIs Also do Analyses!


For example, visualization plotly

Challenges of Working with APIs